Seeing results by giving and receiving

No blog last week because the week was filled with workshops and coaching, as well as travel to receive and refill.

And that’s the theme of this week’s blog: seeing results by giving and receiving.

Two thoughts come together to form this theme of seeing results: first, you can’t harvest if you don’t sow, and second, you can’t give if you haven’t received.

We all want results, don’t we? Your desired results may differ from those of others, but we all want to see improvement in our lives, growth in those around us, rewards for effort, or impact on society from our lives.

But it can be frustrating looking for those outcomes. The sales don’t come through, the kids develop traits we don’t like, the boss keeps acting in the same frustrating ways, and so on.

Last week reminded me of two critical choices you and I can make that directly affect results.

If I don’t give of myself, I am unlikely to see results. Nothing comes to those who sit and do nothing. It’s the principle of sowing to reap a harvest. In our garden, the current harvest is masses of green beans. They came from two packets of seed we sowed earlier in the summer. Initially, it looked like the pests and the drought would steal all the results, but now we have heaps of beans. We had to sow before we could harvest.

I did the same in my business last week: giving workshops to groups that can benefit from the Life Languages™ so that I will have more business later. It was fun, and everyone benefitted from an enjoyable day together.

But a second truth goes along with the first: if I don’t receive and refill, I’ll end up with nothing to give. So, I spent two days last week at a conference for my benefit. Breathing deeply from the oxygen of input, so I can help others freely. It’s just like the pre-flight safety briefing: secure your own mask before helping others.

And this week, I’m back to giving, with a full tank and more to offer!

How can I benefit you? Are you ready to receive the insights of your Life Languages™ profile? Can I help you apply your learning to your working or personal relationships? You can’t give if you don’t receive, and you can’t reap if you don’t sow. Let’s see results together.


Experts are expensive! (or are they?)


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